N.P.P.D. Rush is a shoot-em-up game with retro graphics and a classic arcade feel.
TL;DR at bottom
Gameplay – This game does not have much depth to it. You are a guy on a motorcycle shooting up the bad guys and trying to rescue people before the time runs out. The game is quite difficult in general, but when paired with the time limit of about 300 seconds to rescue 30 people, it gets extremely hard. I was never able to reach the objective, and never more than halfway before dying or running out of time. The shooting is fun and the controls are smooth but the game is just a bit too difficult.
Graphics – The game does a very good job with capturing the retro look and feel. It has a arcade cabinet-like interface and even has options for scanlines and other retro quirks. The graphics overall look nice, but they are quite blurry with the retro effects that have been layered on top. One issue I had was with the damage indicator completely blocking or blurring my view of the game when hit many times at once. Other than that, the graphics were good.
Music/Audio – The music is very fast paced and exciting. However, it is pretty deafening when compared to the other sound effects in the game. Of course, you can just turn the sound down but that is something I happened to notice. The music fits the shoot-em-up feel of the game, making it more exciting. One strange issue with the audio is that when you die or run out of time, the music and sound stops dead in its tracks and the game is completely silent when the Game Over message shows up.
Conclusion – N.P.P.D. Rush has its strengths. It captures the retro look that it was going for relatively well, and the gameplay is good for what it is. The difficulty of the game is seemingly too high to be reasonable, but that could easily be argued against because of my skill or some other factors. The music is decent but there are some definite kinks to work out. Overall, this is a decent game from an indie developer that was relatively enjoyable.
Overall: 6.5/10 - Recommended
+Nice retro graphics
+Fun shoot-em-up gameplay
+Exciting music
-Extremely difficult
-Direction can be confusing at times
Check out my gameplay below of //N.P.P.D. RUSH//- The milk of Ultraviolet to get a better idea of the game.